Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Green Eyes

So you have all said a word or two about it, how it should be , how it shouldn't . The conventional and unconventional, the real and fake, the practical and impractical.
I say you are all losers, YES! Fucking nuthead morons of the highest order.

You think you are being protective, warning me against it, am I going in a deep ocean without knowing how to swim? How the fuck do you know I am gonna drown for sure?
Protective eh?
I say ; be brave , have the courage!

You think I am a kid, I don't know how this dirty mean world works, I live in a parallel world, do I? Hell yes there is a parallel world, far much dangerous, far much adventurous, far much unexpected than you can think of! If here you think I can't survive, there I am living, with courage and compassion, outreaching any one who claims to be real.

I am just being myself, is that a problem for u motherfuckers?
I believe I am better than most of you all, is that again a problem?
I know I will prove my worth to myself.
I know this very feeling of being someone better makes me feel shallow inside, I have been taught to be humble, "down to earth", but I'm not.
I have nothing to lose to you all you cowards, I will lose myself only to him; in every sense of the word.
Does this burn your heart? You feel better when you point out my flaws,gives you a feeling that your life's better, doesn't it?
And when you say it to others, it makes you better in comparison to me! I know you all , you dickheads, I know the psyche of human beings, I know it all.
Yow will again tell me ," no you don't , you'r just a 19 year old kid "
I say, yes I am 19. Yes I am a kid, and this kid will make life hell you mess with me, you know that already don't you?

Its capricious. I know.
He is the man all that I want. I love him dangerously.
And I know you all , can just stand there and envy me.

Honey, you are a rock upon which I stand!


----------- said...

the wrath of womanhood can kill.
it can ALSO mend souls.

"le chal wahan jo, mulk TERA hai..
jaahil zamaanaa..dushman mera hai.."

unforgiven said...

Shaant, gadhadhaari Bheem, shaant.

imperfect said...

@ Sanya/ Me evil twin - I was wondering, can a man *ever* feel this way? Not for a woman in specific, but even about himself? Or are we just made this way.

Zamaney dekhega , hum jalwe dikhayenge!

@ Unforgiven - Trying. :|

Bla said...

Nice fuckin' post.