Sunday, February 8, 2009


"Maybe happIness is something that we can only pursue. And maybe we can actually never have it no matter what."

This stayed with me after watching the Will Smith classic, but I believe in this now ; more than ever and always will. Oh and at this moment ;
I feel happy.


Arnab Majumdar said...

Happiness depends, more than anything, on yourself than any external factor... so if you think that you're happy, chances are that you actually are!

Good post, something that makes you think a bit... but that's pretty much there in every entry of your blog!

imperfect said...

Happiness I don't think can depend even on ourselves.
And if it makes you think - :)

Indian Role Player said...

That's a classic one liner and one of my fav. too, but its because once we've achieved the Happiness we were looking for and we set another goal of happiness for ourselves. That ways we keep on pursuing or I must say chasing it...

Anonymous said...

You have written "writing" and "thinking" twice in your interests.

imperfect said...

@ anonymous - yeah I know. How does it matter to you?