Tuesday, June 17, 2008


In between exams and results and languishing at home since the past 6 months and another one and a half to come I think my mind has stopped working completely; so instead of keeping a dead blog I deleted it completely , one of the reasons also being I had started disliking the name perfectionism kills.

So here I am, starting all over again. In every sense of the word.


Anonymous said...

hey sweetie, great to see you back and after so long. i m pleasently surprised to see you remember me :)

rock on...

gypsy said...

:) well, havnt been to ur first blog but wud make sure to do so now...

Anonymous said...

good to see you back..welcome back:)

bondgal_rulz said...

Great blog. :)

imperfect said...

@ Bondgal - :)